January 2024

Our third international trip takes us to Dubai, a beautiful country. Three directors and three additional staff members traveled and had a great time in Dubai for seven days. It was a great trip.

October 2023

Our founders' day party took place at one of the most famous restaurants in the bustling part of CP in Delhi. For the party, our chairman flew from Pune and paid a visit. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and greet all staff members and their families. And the cherry on top was a personalized gift distributed by our chairman to all staff members.


Every business was affected by the coronavirus, with some even losing their existence. This year was a struggle to bring the company back to its feet, but we managed to survive it. All members of SHAN have been involved and united.


2021 was a difficult year with global pandemic disrupting life and livelihoods for many. Grim as the situation was, the human spirit across the globe refused to give up and we too played our part with pride and humility. We are proud to have our Shan Family together supporting each other and surging ahead with performance and growth.

9th January 2020

We now have one more branch in Japan in the name of Shan Japan (www.shantranslation.jp).

25th June 2019

Words of Vikram (wordsofvikram.in) is our new associate company.

13th October 2018

Shan Africa (www.shanafrica.com) is added to the branches. The website is made ready and launched.

30th Sept 2017

Our Senior Vice President launches ‘Signs of Asia’ (www.signsofasia.com) with an understanding that travelers want information about travel to Myanmar and do their own planning without a Travel Agent involved.  SOA will act as a travel guide and only assist travelers to Myanmar.

20th September 2017

1st September 2017

31st August 17

15th May 2017

19 February 2017

22nd December 2016

Ms. AllaKerobian becomes the Country Head of Armenia for Shan. She starts marketing of Translation in Armenia, Russia and neighboring countries for Shan.

1st September 2016

20th June 2016

18th August 2015

Ms. Sveta visits India, and over talks held with people from  Shan takes over charge of Shan group of companies for Russia(www.shantranslation.ru).

8th June 2015

20th May 2014

Shan Translation Limited, UAE (www.shantranslation.ae) is formed. Sales figures are already up by about 40% from the last year’s average.

30th April 2014

20th February 2014

1st October 2013

Our sales grows by 500% from the sales average of the past year.  We are now a service tax registered company.

4th October 2012

We celebrate the ‘Breakeven Target Sales’and also the 3rd Founders Day with all staff and their families.

31st July 2012

31st January 2012

24th March 2011

We worked on creating a database of experienced translators and our search was on for clients too. On the other hand we tried to gain translation orders by making our presence on Internet through our website and registration on many business portals. On the 24th of March we received our first large order along with an advance payment. This was the time when we are thinking of winding up the company operations after 8 months of promotion and hardly any sale. This order took about 8 months to complete and lots of efforts were put in, being a large order. This enlightened a ray of hope within and we achieved to take few more orders in the same year.